No, I'm not going to sing the song, if that's what you're thinking. Anyway, Happy November. I hope your Halloween was great (really, I do. Mine was snore-inducing), I hope you voted yesterday ( You had better), and I hope this post doesn't, well, 'blah' (not extremely optimistic on that).
This work was based off an artist trading card assignment. I did two full design, cut them up and arranged them in a odd way. I like that it's nice and dark but I still feel it needs something.
Any thoughts?
This week I'm embarking on a new assignment based off my favorite song. Too bad I don't have one-a song I mean. So far I'm thinking it'll be like my 'Control' piece, but who knows how the wind will sway ....or the bones will spill.
Hey...idea, use several songs and combine them, much like we look at several of our thumbnails and combine them...could be extremely successful! It's about the MEANING!